

  • 问题描述:你好, 用户使用U8.21供应链,期末生成凭证后,发现物资采购明细账借方有640元余额,把所有报销的入库单,入库调整单,蓝字回冲单生成凭证后,回冲的物资采购贷方余额与借方相差640,请帮忙分析一下哪出问题了
  • 问题原因:您好 该数据分析过程: 1.需要先删除入库调整单的凭证,后执行下面的语句比较: 2.应付系统数据: --应付数据:5331659.9000 3.--存货入库与回冲数据 --存货数据:5325486.4000 差异数据:5325486.4000-5331659.9=6173.5 而系统调整单的数据为:5533.5 所以回有640的差异。 4.--比较存货对应数据,得到不同的存货 select iagl.cinvcode,pugl.cinvcode,iagl.iasum,pugl.fpsum from (select cinvcode,sum(iainprice)as iasum from IA_Subsidiary where cpzid in ( SELECT coutno_id FROM GL_accvouch WHERE (iperiod = 12) AND (coutsysname = 'IA') AND (ccode = '1201') ) group by cinvcode ) iagl full join --发票 (select cinvcode, sum(imoney) as fpsum from PurBillVouchs where pbvid in ( select pbvid from PurBillVouch where cpbvcode in ( select distinct id from ( SELECT cvouchid as id FROM Ap_Detail where cpzid in ( SELECT coutno_id FROM GL_accvouch WHERE (iperiod = 12) AND (coutsysname = 'AP') AND (ccode = '1201') ) and ibvid>0 and (cvouchtype='01' or cvouchtype='02') --现结 union all SELECT ccovouchid as id FROM Ap_Detail where cpzid in ( SELECT coutno_id FROM GL_accvouch WHERE (iperiod = 12) AND (coutsysname = 'AP') AND (ccode = '1201') ) and ibvid=0 ) pubb --非现结 ) ) group by cinvcode ) pugl on iagl.cinvcode=pugl.cinvcode where pugl.cinvcode is null fpsum 有数据 。NULL 1301 NULL 5533.5000 存货有数据 0501301 NULL -640.0000 NULL 所以出现错误的存货为:0501301 具体对应的单据可以查看对应的存货明细数据; select * from IA_Subsidiary where cpzid in ( SELECT coutno_id FROM GL_accvouch WHERE (iperiod = 12) AND (coutsysname = 'IA') AND (ccode = '1201') ) and cinvcode='0501301' 解决办法: 经确认,是对应入库单的单价录入错误造成的,差异为该640,对此存货做笔入库调整单即可.
  • 解决方案:游客无权查看
  • 相关补丁:
  • 模块:存货核算
  • 产品:U8存货核算
  • 问题名称:物资采购借方有余额
  • 更新时间:2006-01-23 00:00:00
  • 有用 没用72 浏览