

  • 问题描述:一客户刚刚启用采购库存及存货核算系统,存货档案输入时既无自定义项也无自由项,当然更谈不上结构性自由项. 但是,在输入存货期初或填制出入库单据时,有几个存货就是不能保存,提示”单据保存失败,修改或稍后再试!无此自由项组合,存货XX结构自由项不合法!”
  • 问题原因:跟踪一下发现 select bas_part.PartId From bas_part, Inventory where bas_part.InvCode = Inventory.cInvCode and bas_part.InvCode = '0204001'and (Inventory.bConfigFree1 = 1 and bas_part.Free1 = '' or Inventory.bConfigFree1 = 0 and bas_part.Free1 = '') and (Inventory.bConfigFree2 = 1 and bas_part.Free2 = '' or Inventory.bConfigFree2 = 0 and bas_part.Free2 = '') and (Inventory.bConfigFree3 = 1 and bas_part.Free3 = '' or Inventory.bConfigFree3 = 0 and bas_part.Free3 = '') and (Inventory.bConfigFree4 = 1 and bas_part.Free4 = '' or Inventory.bConfigFree4 = 0 and bas_part.Free4 = '') and (Inventory.bConfigFree5 = 1 and bas_part.Free5 = '' or Inventory.bConfigFree5 = 0 and bas_part.Free5 = '') and (Inventory.bConfigFree6 = 1 and bas_part.Free6 = '' or Inventory.bConfigFree6 = 0 and bas_part.Free6 = '') and (Inventory.bConfigFree7 = 1 and bas_part.Free7 = '' or Inventory.bConfigFree7 = 0 and bas_part.Free7 = '') and (Inventory.bConfigFree8 = 1 and bas_part.Free8 = '' or Inventory.bConfigFree8 = 0 and bas_part.Free8 = '') and (Inventory.bConfigFree9 = 1 and bas_part.Free9 = '' or Inventory.bConfigFree9 = 0 and bas_part.Free9 = '') and (Inventory.bConfigFree10 = 1 and bas_part.Free10 = '' or Inventory.bConfigFree10 = 0 and bas_part.Free10 = '')
  • 解决方案:游客无权查看
  • 相关补丁:
  • 模块:存货核算
  • 产品:860sp
  • 问题名称:存货结构性自由项都没有,哪里来的不合法
  • 更新时间:2005-07-19 00:00:00
  • 有用 没用80 浏览