问题原因: |
在生成自定义转帐凭证时,选择的是“本科目有发生的辅助项结转”,由于'01020770'客户'701'部门113102科目的数量借方为-200,但是'01020770'客户'701'部门对于129102科目并没有业务发生,所以在结转时是不会结转这一笔数据的。 参照通过如下脚本即可查询出需要结转的辅助项凭证分录; Select cdept_id As Dept, ccus_id As Cus, cItem_id As Item From GL_accass Where Not GL_accass.cdept_id is null And GL_accass.citem_id = N'1101' And Not GL_accass.ccus_id is null And GL_accass.citem_class = N'ch' And GL_accass.ccode = N'129102' AND NOT(mb=0 AND md=0 AND mc=0 AND me=0 AND mb_f=0 AND md_f=0 AND mc_f=0 AND me_f=0 AND nb_s=0 AND nd_s=0 AND nc_s=0 AND ne_s=0) Group by cdept_id, ccus_id, citem_id |