解决方案: |
从后台数据库更改,1,找出这家公司的PK值和主体帐簿:select * from bd_glbook
select * from bd_accsubj where pk_corp = '1051' and subjcode like '225104' and pk_create_glorgbook <> '0001'.2.更改年初余额和借贷余额,gl_balance表:select * from gl_detail where pk_corp = '1051' and pk_accsubj =
'1051V11000000001UZA6' and detailindex in (6,33)
select * from gl_balance where pk_corp = '1051' and pk_accsubj =
'1051V11000000001UZA6' and period = 00 and year = 2004
update gl_balance set localcreditamount = 318788.26 where pk_corp = '1051' and
pk_accsubj = '1051V11000000001UZA6' and period = 00 and year = 2004
update gl_balance set creditamount = 318788.26 where pk_corp = '1051' and
pk_accsubj = '1051V11000000001UZA6' and period = 00 and year = 2004,select * from gl_detail where pk_corp = '1051' and pk_accsubj = '1051V11000000001UZA6'
update gl_detail set debitamount = 404209.15 where pk_corp = '1051' and pk_accsubj = '1051V11000000001UZA6' and detailindex = '8'
update gl_detail set debitamount = -404209.15 where pk_corp = '1051' and pk_accsubj = '1051V11000000001UZA6' and detailindex = '7'
update gl_detail set localdebitamount = 404209.15 where pk_corp = '1051' and pk_accsubj = '1051V11000000001UZA6' and detailindex = '8'
update gl_detail set localdebitamount = -404209.15 where pk_corp = '1051' and pk_accsubj = '1051V11000000001UZA6' and detailindex = '7'
select * from gl_balance where pk_corp = '1051' and pk_accsubj = '1051V11000000001UZA6' and period = 01
select * from gl_balance where pk_corp = '1051' and pk_accsubj = '1051V11000000001UZA6' and period = 00 and year = 2004 |