解决方案: |
解决:(1) SELECT * FROM ufsystem..UA_Identity WHERE (cAcc_Id = '009') AND (cVouchType = 'xj');(2) update ufsystem..UA_Identity set ifatherid=(SELECT max(ccancelno) FROM ufdata_009_2004..ap_closebill) WHERE (cAcc_Id = '009') AND (cVouchType = 'xj');(3) update ufsystem..UA_account_sub set bclosing=1 where cacc_id='009' and (csub_id='AP' or csub_id='PU') AND iyear=2003 ;(4) update a set ccheckman=null from ap_closebill a,PURbillvouch b where b.bpayment=a.ccancelno and b.bpayment is not null and b.CPBVVerifier is null and a.cCheckMan is not null