解决方案: |
use ufsystem
update ua_identity
set iFatherid = ( select max(dlid) from ufdata_700_2005..dispatchlist) ,
iChildID = (select max(idlsid) from ufdata_700_2005..dispatchlists)
where cacc_id ='700'
and cVouchType = 'Dispatch'
update ua_identity
set iFatherid = (select max(id) from ufdata_700_2005..rdrecord) ,
iChildID = (select max(autoid) from ufdata_700_2005..rdrecords)
where cacc_id ='700' and cVouchType = 'rd'
update ua_identity set iFatherid = ( select max(sbvid) from ufdata_700_2005..SaleBillVouch) ,
iChildID = (select max(autoid) from ufdata_700_2005..SaleBillVouchs)
where cacc_id ='700' and cVouchType = 'billvouch' |