解决方案: |
可以在查询分析器中针对升级完的帐套的2003、2004、2005年度分别执行下面的语句将所有的红字销售出库单的期初标志进行修改,并更改相应的期初结存,然后再在库存中执行整理现存量功能即可 select cwhcode,cinvcode,sum(iquantity) as iq into tmp01 from rdrecord a inner join rdrecords b on a.id=b.id where bisstqc=1 and cvouchtype='32' group by cwhcode,cinvcode update rdrecord set bisstqc=0 where bisstqc=1 and cvouchtype='32' update b set iquantity=iquantity+c.iq from rdrecord a inner join rdrecords b on a.id=b.id inner join tmp01 c on a.cwhcode=c.cwhcode and b.cinvcode=c.cinvcode where bisstqc=1 and cvouchtype='34' |